5 Effective YouTube Analytics That Aid & Assist in Developing Your Channel

Do you have a YouTube channel? Are you looking to create a YouTube channel? Do you wish to grow your channel? In all the scenarios, referencing YouTube Analytics and checking YouTube Stats is vital to gain deep insights into the performance of your channel, to identify loopholes, and fix them. With the aid and assistance of YouTube Analytics and YouTube Statistics, you can know as to where you are making mistakes or missing favorable possibilities. In short, without analytics and statistics, you are simply firing arrows in the dark with no target in sight. In this post, we are going to tell you about 5 of the most effective and efficacious YouTube Analytics that assist in increasing your channel value, in improving the performance of your videos, and helps to develop your channel thereby enabling it to climb higher in the country as well as global ranking.

How to access the YouTube Analytics Dashboard?

Before we begin delving into the YouTube Analytics, you must know how to access the analytics dashboard. In order to access your analytics dashboard, tap on your profile picture on any YouTube page, and from the pop-up menu that comes up; select the option of ‘Creator Studio.’ This will bring you to the new YouTube Studio Dashboard where you require tapping on the option of ‘Analytics’ present in the left-hand menu.

Please note that lately, YouTube upgraded the analytics window from ‘Creator Studio’ to ‘YouTube Studio Beta.’ Though YouTube Studio Beta is much easier to understand and use, it lacks certain features as it is still in Beta stage. Therefore, in order to revert back to the ‘Creator Studio’ page, you require tapping on the option captioned as ‘Creator Studio Classic’ present at the bottom of the left-hand menu of the ‘YouTube Studio Beta’ page.

Which is the most impressive third-party tool for YouTube Analytics?

There are certain features which are missing in the traditional YouTube Analytics. Here is where third-party tools come in handy. Speaking about the most impressive third-party tool for YouTube Analytics, the name of NoxInfluencer comes on the top. NoxInfluencer is a useful companion to have a look at YouTube Analytics and Statistics. Apart from the regular analytics, NoxInfluencer brings to you the following features as well.

  • Top List: Under this option, you can check out the most subscribed YouTubers, fastest growing YouTube channels, and most viewed YouTube videos country-wise.
  • YouTube Live Sub Count: This option helps you to know the subscribers count in real-time.
  • YouTube Channel Compare: This feature is essential if you wish to compare your YouTube Channel with the other channel. From the comparison, you can acquire useful information regarding improvement areas and missing points.
  • YouTube Calculator: If you happen to see Google Analytics, keywords like how much do YouTubers make or how much money you can make on YouTube are one of the most-searched keywords. If you also want to know the answers to these questions, then you can utilize the YouTube Calculator feature of NoxInfluencer.
  • Language Support: NoxInfluencer supports 9 globally-recognized languages.
  • Portability: Since NoxInfluencer works on PC as well as mobile devices, you can utilize the tool anytime and from anywhere you wish to.

Good news is that NoxInfluencer for YouTube comes with a Google Chrome extension as well. If you are thinking that you might require paying a considerable sum to utilize the above features, then discard the thought immediately, since NoxInfluencer provides all the above features for free.

5 Potent YouTube Analytics That Assist You in Growing Your Channel

  • Watch Time

This is a common notion that if a video has millions of views, it is highly successful. While this is somewhat true, views single-handedly cannot tell you about the additions or modifications that you require making to your video strategy. Here is where Watch Time comes into play. YouTube values Watch Time the most as it clearly tells how valuable a video is and how much a video is successful in engaging the audience.

Moreover, if the YouTube Channel or your videos have a higher watch time, you will definitely make up to the higher spots in search results and recommendations. Now, we don’t need to tell you how vital is securing a higher spot in search results and recommendations on YouTube.

  • Audience Retention

Through this metric, you can know at what point in the video the audience left-off. If you have this knowledge, you can recognize the points that caused the people to stop watching your video. This will help you to improve your videos.

Apart from this, using Audience Retention, you can also identify, which part of your video held the viewer’s attention.

  • Views Per Unique Viewers

You must be having an existing audience for your YouTube channel. Did you know that one of the best methods to quickly boost your views is to engage more the audience which you are already having? Hence, if you wish to know whether the audience is re-watching your videos, you need the assistance of YouTube metric that goes by the name of Views per Unique Viewers. By using the metric at the video level, you can come to know which videos of yours are acquiring the maximum views per unique viewers. This will help you identify the topics that are popular among the audience and you can take up these topics more.

  • Real-Time Report

It takes time for YouTube to come up with updated statistics. Hence, if you wish to have real-time information regarding the performance of your channel or a video, you can utilize the Real-Time Report metric.

This report helps you to have a look at your views from the last 48 hours and the last 60 minutes for the entire channel, or for a particular video.

  • Audience Demographics

YouTube Analytics comes with a Demographics page as well. This graph tells you about your audience’s gender, age, device, location, and more. You can identify the statistics of the audience who are watching your videos more. This helps you to tailor your hard-work towards meeting the desires of your target audience.

Final Words

These were the 5 of the most effective YouTube Analytics that aid and assist you in developing your YouTube channel. If you have questions to ask and doubts to clarify, please reach out to us via the comments section provided below. Happy YouTubing!