The Definitive Guide to Build Best Influencer Campaign in 2019

Have you bought products just for following your favorite celebrity?

Actually,I have.

According to the survey,80% of marketers who have used influencer marketing judged it to be effective for their brands.and 92% percent of consumers say that they trust word-of-mouth recommendations more than any type of advertising.

The same result noted that 65% of marketers plan on increasing their budgets for 2019.

At present, influencer marketing is not only limited to celebrities.People who is active and has a loyal fanbase on social media all have opprtunites to cooperate with brands to do promotion.and here is something you must know about influencer marketing as follows:

What is Influencer Marketing?

Just as it names implies, influencer marketing is to find influencers to build an advertisement campaign for brands so as to improve brand awareness, gain more traffic and induce consumer to purchase their products.

where can Find Offer from Great Brands?

As the popular trend, a large amount of influencer marketing platform emerges as the times require,like Noxinfluencer,Famebit,Izea,etc,.

Noxinfluencer is a influencer marketing platform connecting influencers with brands looking to collaborate and create amazing branded content. As so far,We have worked with more than 200,000 great brands and help them find suitable influencers to advertise their brand, products, or services.

For influencers,Our main focus is to provide great sponsors for you. From the trendiest startups to the biggest brands, choose from a constant flow of opportunities across multiple categories.

so how to use Noxinfluencer? The first step is to sign in as an influencer and find the offers and brand you wanna collaborate.

Second,you will enter into the offer page to view all of the available tasks for a specific project.You can choose your area according to your audience distuibution.and then find a offer which matches with the platform,Brands will note their budgets and requirements about their video.

Third,choose the form of influencting campaign:cost per video or cost per installment.

How to Build a Suitable Influencer Marketing Campaign?

No matter which type of influencer you decide to work with, your brand’s target audience will remain the same. so you must ensure your target audience is aligned with that of the influencer.

For example, a make-up vlogger with 200,000 followers could be the perfect target if you are a cosmetics company. But would she be suitable to do promotion for some products unrelated to beauty? Probably not.

Last but not least, the idea of influencer marketing campaign is essiencial to the final effects of the the advertisement should be ‘nutural’ as soon as possible.Influencers always try and introduce the product in their video. But when insert the advertisement? How to write a script fitting the video theme? How long it takes to make the advertisement? All quesitons as below are the key points which both brands and influencers should consider.


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