How Much Will You Earn When PewDiePie Do Product Seeding for You?

As we know that PewDiePie is the 2nd YouTube channel that has the most subscribers. People who usually watch PewDiePie’s video may have noticed that the channel did some promotion for some brands. How to know it? It’s easy to track it by Brand Promotion Analysis.

PewDiePie brand promotion - Noxinfluencer

According to the picture, we can know that PewDiePie did 3 promotions in the last 30 days. It is worth mentioning that, the effect of promotion video is the same as the normal updates.

PewDiePie Comparison - Noxinfluencer

The set of data proves that the PewDiePie team is really good at influencer marketing, the Avg. views, engagement, and views/subs are better than normal videos. After checking the comparison, some of the brands may have a question: “How much can we earn when PewDiePie does product seeding for me?” I will share with you a tool to help you know!

Influencer Marketing Calculator - PewDiePie

Influencer marketing calculator can make it, for e-commerce merchants, just paste the link to get the key data index of PewDiePie, and then enter the budget, sale price, conversion rate, and profit rate. According to the data from the picture, when we spend $100k promoting our business by PewDiePie, we can earn $387.89K, take note that, due to the profit rate is 20%, my ROI is less than 1.

Different business has different products and profit, but the traffic cost optimization is the key to help you get better ROI. To sum up, if we have a unique product and palter with PewDiePie, we will get a profitable return.





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