Influencer Marketing Campaign: Everything You Should Know About How To Unfold One

If we are just getting started with or interested in influencer marketing for our businesses, with no idea about how to seek and select a right influencer to partner with, Noxinfluencer is tailored for us. Let’s kick off by unfolding an influencer marketing plan on Noxinfluencer.

After formulating an influencer marketing scheme through goal analysis, which was discussed in the last article, what’s the next step we should take to roll out our campaign?

Adopting the same case in the last article, with less than a $33,333 budget, if we are going to reach a sales goal of $50,000, a viewership of over 3,333,300 is a threshold that keeps ROI above 1.

Based on sub-goals concluded in this simple goal analysis, here is the general workflow:

Here, we will dive into this step-by-step process we’ll need to follow to carry out an influencer marketing campaign.

Step1: How to obtain a list of target influencers who match our business

Before accessing Noxinflunencer, marketers used to search their potential partner influencers manually on YouTube or other social media platforms. And they would write down favored influencers’ names and continue to seek a next one from a broad influencer-pool.

And they would get influencers’ contacts in their profiles, where sometimes hide influencers’ contacts though. For instance, marketers can reach out to YouTubers through e-mail addresses displayed on  About page on YouTube.

YouTuber’s About Page

Frankly, this clumsy method does not work when we intend to collect a batch of candidate influencers to compare and single out the right partners. Especially a new search limit came into effect on YouTube in Apr 2020, a single IP is only allowed to view 7 YouTubers’ e-mail addresses within 24 hours, which greatly brings marketers apart from influencers.

Therefore, every marketer who wants to make a killing through influencer marketing must resort to a professional influencer marketing platform, where you’ll get a right solution to your marketing campaign.

(1)Collect candidate influencers to partner with

On Noxinfluencer, we can look out for our potential partner influencers through inputting relative tags, keywords, or influencers’ names, among others, into the search column. Setting filter conditions according to our marketing demands, enormous results would be displayed. In the next part, I will go further in explaining how nanny-type Noxinfluencer will help us pick out the most suitable influencer through comprehensive statistical measures.

One of the considerate features of Noxinfluencer allows us to add favored influencers to our favorite list by clicking the heart-shaped icon, in case we want to review the optional influencer without stopping browsing the long results list.

(2)Get in touch with our favored influencers

Hundreds of e-mail addresses of YouTubers are accessible through few clicks on Noxinfluencers. Noxinfluencer grants 800 quotas of e-mail viewing for professional membership users and 150 for enterprise membership.

Step2: Budget allocation to different influencers

Influencers differ in their subscribers, viewership, engagement rate, and other statistical dimensions. Noxinfluencer estimates every displayed influencer’s video viewership and potential earnings of each video, facilitating our marketing decision-making. Therefore, towards different influencers, we will conclude different marketing value assessments, based on which our marketing budget would be allocated to the targeted partner influencers on our list obtained in the last step.

Here is a well-proven technique in influencer marketing that small-and-medium influencers have the best cost performance and marketing effect.

Different marketing performance measures of different-tier influencers in the table below.

In the same influencer marketing campaign, Mega influencers bring exposure to our business, mid-tier ones contribute most clicks (growth) and Nano ones attract most vertical or related audience to our business. And a specific scheme of budget allocation to different tier influencers have to be plotted with our actual expectation on our marketing project, such as to raise brand awareness, pursue promotion performance, or gather key customers.


Back to the e-commerce promotion case discussed in part one. From the $33,333 budget, 30% will be allocated to mega influencers, 60% to the mid-tier, 10% to nano ones. A moderate budget scheme like this will maximize our marketing performance. If we have less budget, a scheme of 40% to mid-tier and 60% to Nano is a best-fit. To be brief, it’s unwise to put all your eggs into one basket.

Also, as an all-round YouTube analytics, Noxinfluencer offers a market effect calculator for us to conduct an evaluation of an influencer’s marketing value. Necessary measures from CPC (Cost Per Click), estimated sales to ROAS, ROI will be automatically generated according to the basic data we input, including marketing budget, conversion rate, product price, and gross profit rate.

See how it looks, below:

Market Effect Calculator

Step3: Send partnership invitation to our chosen influencers

(1)EDM (Email Direct Marketing)

To avoid causing any annoyance during the communication with potential partners, EDM is a preferred option to get in touch with influencers. Noxinfluencer allows us to send invitation Emails in bulk to our chosen influencer partners and we will also receive their response in the same way.

(2) Create new marketing campaign

Clicking the avatar at the top-right of Noxinfluencer search-page, we can enter campaign page where a new marketing campaign can be created. Based on the budget, key word and target market we set, Noxinfluencer will match a list of appropriate influencers through its advanced big-data technology and allows one-click invitation to send the partner invitation to them all.

In addition, the influencer users will spontaneously apply marketing campaign order released by marketers on Noxinfluencer, increasing reaching efficiency between marketers and influencers. All these operations are realized through bulk-Email sending between two sides. If you are a marketer getting into trouble with influencer marketing efforts, why not give it try?

Step4: Cooperation confirmation

Before confirming our partnership with influencers, there are several other key factors we must consider.

  • Influencer’s previous marketing campaigns

In the Stats & Analytics Dashboard, an influencer’s previous marketing experience can be seen in the brand analysis. Some YouTubers’ subscribers have been overloaded with excessive advertisement as a result of massive marketing by YouTubers.

As seen in the picture above, the larger the sponsored videos’ viewership is than the average videos’, the better the marketing performance is. If not larger is marketing video views, subscribers of the channel are likely to be overloaded with YouTuber’s marketing campaign.

  • Video launching timing

A maximum marketing influence can be achieved when partner influencers release the marketing video at the same time. So, marketers incline to ensure their business promotion date to line up with influencers’ pace. Given that some influencers have fixed content release schedule, keep in mind we should take this factor into consideration.

  • Time spent to create content by influencers

Different influencers’ creating habits and team configurations are different, with a result of different time used to make brand promotion videos. It matters to focus upon during our marketing plan plotting.

  • Payment

Payment terms must be clear with both sides in cross-border transactions. Paypal is a popular solution among global dealers though, there are many who have different transaction habits.

  • Demo revision times

Actual content by influencers is likely to be far from our expectations. We’d better have a detailed and full conversation about promotion content design with influencers.

  • Ad format

Pre-roll and indicated video are different. The latter is a soft marketing method which is more of a native advertisement. The two have different video-making time with different promotion fees.

Step5: Previewing Demo ad video

Influencers will provide an unlisted link to the demo video for us to preview. We should check the authenticity of our landing page and brand’s link, which shall be included in video’s description and set at the top of comment section.

The landing page must be set as traceable-through-click so that we are able to review marketing performance through stats. The Bitly, an URL shortener provided by Noxinfluencer, will do us a favor during this step. Not only can Bitly count click in influencer marketing cases, it can also evaluate our blog’s viewing performance.


Step6: Ad video analysis

In the final step, making a review report over an influencer marketing campaign is a must-do that helps us to assess the possibility of continuing to cooperate with the influencer and matters to our future marketing efforts.

I will share dozens of statistical dimensions needed in ad analysis:

Name of influencer

Channel link

Contacts of influencer

Ad video URL

Promotion fees

Views (exposure)



CPC= budget/clicks


Converted sales

Clicks conversion rate=conversion/clicks

Views conversion rate=conversion/views

ROAS=converted sales/marketing cost

ROI=converted gross profit/marketing cost

Obviously, you must have a further understanding of how to implement an influencer marketing plan after reading. Hope you succeed in your influencer marketing efforts. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading. Until next time.

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