6 Stats of YouTube Prove Influencer Marketing Analytic Platforms Boost Promotion on YouTube

According to a survey report, around 80% of businesses have successfully carried out influencer marketing on YouTube and Instagram. In addition to YouTube and Instagram, Twitch has been the preferred option for gaming brands. To brands that target consumers from Gen Z, TikTok will be the best-fit influencer marketing platform.

As an influencer marketing platform with the highest cost performance, through influencer marketing campaigns, YouTube provides brands with an opportunity to cover all procedures of the marketing funnel on a single platform, from product cognition building in the audience’s mind to purchasing conversion. YouTube’s massive user demographic profile covers people aging 18 to 24, and even a large group of over-65-year-old people. In the United States, 81.2% of Americans watch videos on YouTube. Doing marketing on YouTube can help brands or marketers widely hit their target audience with a larger probability.

No matter how large or small the businesses are, and no matter what promotion demand and budget the businesses have, the diversity of YouTube allows a variety of businesses with marketing opportunities to partner with YouTubers. Through a partnership with brands’ best-fit influencers, products can be promoted to most vertical customers. Especially the influencers with high engagement rate with followers, brands are more likely to achieve traffic growth for their site.

These YouTube statistics will tell you why it is necessary to do influencer marketing on YouTube in 2021.

1. YouTuber users cover 74% of adults from the United States

Comparing with other major influencer marketing platforms, Facebook boasts 68% of American adults and Instagram boasts 40%. It means carrying out influencer marketing on YouTube is more likely to reach consumers who have stronger purchasing power and contribute a higher conversion rate. YouTube is the most popular online platform in America. According to eMarketer, the number of watchers is predicted to reach 228.1 million on YouTube by 2024, from 2020’s 214.9 million.

2. YouTube almost covers users of all age groups

YouTube users age distribution:

Age Interval Ratio
18 to 24 11%
25 to 34 23%
35 to 44 26%
45 to 54 16%
55 to 64 8%
65 and larger 3%
Other 14%

This age distribution profile indicates that the group of users aging from 25 to 54 accounts for 65%. Nearly two-thirds of YouTube users have a certain earning capability. Carrying out marketing campaigns over these users is more likely to generate purchasing conversion for businesses. Comparing with TikTok, which garners the most attention from the Gen Z group, YouTube has a stronger power in monetization.

3. YouTube is the second-most visited website in the world

Whether you are a brand or an advertiser, advertising for your business on such a large-traffic site can definitely lift your brand awareness. YouTube is the second-most visited website in the world, following Google, YouTube’s parent company.

4. YouTube allows 76-language-of users globally to visit

Areas speaking these 76 languages cover 95% of global internet users and 88 countries in the world. That means influencer marketing on YouTube is suitable for every brand around the world. Through influencer marketing on YouTube, brands are not only able to reach domestic customers, but also can hit potential customers overseas if they have demands in cross-border e-commerce.

5. In the past 2020, 72% of users on YouTube watched videos to keep fit following fitness channels

In 2020’s March alone, the tag“at home” in the video title increased 515% on a year-on-year basis. Because of the pandemic, a lot of people were restricted to stay at home. Many were so boring that nothing can do but eating, sleeping, and scrolling the screens. Doing exercise following fitness channels on YouTube was people’s popular way to kill time during the quarantine life. What is on trend in society can be reflected on YouTube. If brands can grab trends on YouTube, they can grab trends of the society and promote products with higher accuracy of impressing the target audience. Amid the Covid-19, many home fitness equipment brands promoted their products through fitness&health channels on YouTube. Because users’ attention was there, fitness products were just what they needed.

6. In the past 2020, the views of videos with the tag of “home office” surged by 700% amid the pandemic.

Videos with a combination of “quarantine” and “routine” in the title saw 10.5 million views in March. Zoom, a teleconferencing app, saw a surge of 190 million in its daily users in March 2020 from 10 million in December 2019. This teleconferencing company has already seen a massive increase in profits in 2020, doubling its annual sales forecast. In this regard, it’s a golden opportunity for these brands to make influencer marketing on YouTube following the social trend, home office.

What do you need to do with influencer marketing analytic platform?

Influencer marketing empowers brands’ marketing strategies. But how to do it right is unknown to most brands. Having a deep insight into influencers’ data can help a lot through influencer marketing analytic platforms.

Following number analysis

The influencer has been a job to some extent. Sometimes there are fake influencers that will confuse brands and lead them to make the wrong judgment. By a professional influencer marketing platform, we can see every YouTuber’s subscriber history data. As the below figure from NoxInfluencer channel analytic dashboard, shows a gradual growth in the following over one year. If there is a sudden surge at some point on the growth curve, it’s an alert for brands to watch out. It’s probable to be a fake one.

Engagement rate analysis

However, unlike most people’s intuition, the number of YouTubers’ subscribers may not be the most key factor when seeking brand ambassadors among the vast influencer pool. Engagement rate with followers and history partnerships with other brands are factors with more reference value when formulating influencer marketing campaigns. And these stats are uneasy to get without a professional influencer marketing analytic platform. Especially the average engagement in the last 30 days or last 30 videos, NoxInfluencer gives brands a smart stats analysis service.

YouTuber demographic analysis

Knowing a YouTuber’s audience ingredient is also key to a successful influencer marketing campaign. A set of YouTubers’ audience stats should be reviewed when analyzing YouTube channels, such as gender, age, area.


NoxInfluencer provides an all-around YouTube analytic service for brands to explore perfect influencer ambassadors for their brands. NoxInfluencer has over 18 million influencer resources to empower your marketing campaigns.

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